Friday, October 23, 2009

Yoga for Weight Loss

Are you looking to loose some extra weight?

Many people out there have extra weight that they would like to shed, whether it is just a few extra pounds or several extra pounds. There is nothing out there that is quite like being able to lose some extra weight, planning to do so, and being successful at it and people are always on the lookout for newfangled ways to lose some pounds. Here is one thing to consider for weight loss that you might not have yet considered: yoga for weight loss.

It is important to keep in mind that yoga alone is not going to help a person lose weight. It does not raise the heart rate enough to be able to do that on its own, but with the strength that can be derived from yoga it can be combined with an effective cardio workout as a way of losing weight. Read on for a few tips on how to utilize yoga to aid in your weight loss endeavors.

Combine Yoga with Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is a part of any successful diet, and just because you are practicing yoga does not give you an excuse to slack off in that department. A well rounded diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables gives you enough energy to burn off the fat, practice yoga, and do the other things that are required of a person who is looking to burn off some extra weight.

Combine Yoga with a Good Cardio Workout

Strength training and a good cardio workout is critical to effective weight loss. Yoga serves as a great method of strength training but it is important for the heart rate to be raised for thirty minutes or more in order for the fat burning to begin. This can be anything from a quick jog or walk to a treadmill, elliptical, jump rope, or anything else that gets that heart muscle pumping.

Remain Dedicated

Nothing works for weight loss if you don’t stick to it. Yoga will not help you lose weight over night; it is about developing good habits and taking the right route to gradual weight loss that will stick around rather than a quick route to weight loss that won’t last.

Check around your community for a yoga class that you can get started in. Who knows? You may find something that you can really get into in the ancient art of yoga.
Yoga will not help you lose weight over night, needs determination and dedication..

Benefits of Yoga for Kids

Yoga is a form of exercise, meditation, and breathing practices with Indian roots designed to bring unity to the mind, body, and spirit. Adults have vouched for yoga for years, saying it makes them feel better physically, enhances their ability to concentrate, and brings tranquility to their lives. Now parents and yoga instructors are looking at the possible benefits of yoga for kids.

First, children experience many of the same physical benefits adults do from practicing yoga. Yoga strengthens them and helps them become more flexible and coordinated.

Second, yoga for kids also enhances self-awareness. Children who practice yoga learn early on to tune into their bodies. Self esteem is bolstered as the children gain control over their bodies and minds.

Third, yoga for kids enhances imagination and empathy. Children are asked to strike poses from nature. They might assume the pose of a snake, or a tree, or a dog. Then they are asked to imagine what it would be like to be those life forms. In this way, children learn early on to connect with all the life on the planet and realize that similarities far outweigh differences.

Fourth, yoga teaches children to have fun and move their bodies in a con-competitive environment. Yoga isn't about being right or wrong, or being best or worst. It is about bringing unity to one's own life. Children can work together to help each other reach this goal.

Fifth, yoga for kids teaches self-discipline. As part of the practice of yoga, kids need to slow down, hold certain postures, breathe or think in a certain way. Yoga encourages children to master themselves rather than wait for an adult to control them.

Sixth, yoga for kids can also be a way to strengthen families. Yoga is an exercise that parents and children and even grandparents can practice and talk about together. As children participate in yoga with their families, they feel closer to their loved ones.

Seventh, through practicing yoga, children can learn ways to relax and get control of stress in their lives. A child worried about a test, for instance, might use the meditation or breathing techniques of yoga to help her calm down and focus.

Additional Benefits of yoga for kids

* Yoga helps improve strength and flexibility.
* Yoga increases concentration, focus, and attention.
* Kid’s yoga increases self-esteem.
* Yoga decreases anxiety and increases ability to relax
* Yoga increased trust, compassion, teamwork and leadership skills of your beloved children
* Yoga improved digestion and ease in gas pains for children
* Yoga helps to release stress and breathe well
* Yoga strengthens the immune system of kids

By teaching self awareness, self control, and concentration, yoga can also help to manage children who have been diagnosed with ADHD - attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. Yoga has also been used with some success to help children with Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and autism. Yoga for kids has also been used to help kids with cancer cope with their diagnosis and with scary medical procedures.

i am so thankful with yoga, and now yoga for kids are a great help, concentration and self control are of the most basic..let us introduce yoga now with our/your kids

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Prenatal Yoga Workout

Healthy Sitting Position on Floor

The following three poses are recommended ways to sit so that you can reduce lower back strain, discomfort, and pressure. Seated on the floor: To help keep the spine straight in any seated position, sit with your entire back -- from shoulders to tailbone -- resting against a wall for support. You may also wish to sit on a firm cushion or folded blanket to help keep the spine straight.

Healthy Sitting In Chair

Rest feet on a cushion or low stool so knees and thighs are at hip level or higher to help prevent slouching and strain on the lower back.

Healthy Sitting: Firm Pose Sitting Position

1. Kneel on a mat with a cushion or folded blanket between your legs. You may need to lean forward slightly to avoid losing your balance. Tops of feet are flat against the floor, pointing straight back.

2. Supporting yourself with your hands, slowly and carefully lower your buttocks between your heels onto the cushion.

3. If you feel any discomfort, adjust the position of the feet or add more height to the cushion.

4. Hands may be placed behind you for support or may rest on thighs. Chest is lifted. *Do not sit in Firm Pose if you have symptomatic (i.e., painful, throbbing) varicose veins.

Modified Bellows Breath Arms Together

The following three slides will show you how to do this tension-relieving breathing. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms held in front of you, palms together at chest height. Shoulders are down and away from the ears. Benefits: - Opens the chest and lungs - Relieves tension in the spine - Promotes a sense of well-being and fulfillment

Modified Bellows Breath

Open mouth and inhale as you stretch your arms to a T position. Lift your chin.

Modified Bellows Breath

Exhale completely as you tuck chin and tailbone, round your back, and bend at the waist and knees. Hands rest on thighs. Repeat 2 or 3 times. Meditation: With every breath, my baby and I become stronger.

Warm Up: Knee Rocking

1. Sit in a cross-legged position with your left leg on top. If necessary, lean against a wall to support your back.

2. Cradling the left leg with both arms, lift it toward your chest and abdomen as far you comfortably can.

3. Keeping your back straight, hold the leg as high and close to you as possible without straining.

4. Moving from the hip joint, gently rock the leg back and forth as though rocking a baby.

5. After rocking one leg several times, switch leg position and repeat with other leg.
Benefits:- Helps alleviate discomfort in the hip joints caused by your growing baby's pressure on the nerves and joints in the hip area, buttocks, and thighs. - Improves flexibility in the hip, pelvic, and groin areas. Note: Do this warm-up whenever you feel discomfort in the hips and pelvic area.

Sideways Swing (Parighasana)

1. Sit on a mat with legs bent to the right of the body. If necessary, lean against a wall to support the back (see Healthy Sitting).

2. Inhale and raise arms up; interlace fingers over your head. Upper arms are alongside the ears.

3. Gently curve your body to the right as you exhale slowly.

4. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds and breathe deeply.

5. Inhale and return to an upright position. Lower arms, rest, and breathe normally.

6. Move legs to the left side and repeat by curving to the left.

7. Repeat once more on each side. Meditation: I move and stretch to the rhythm of life.
Benefits: - Tones and strengthens muscles along the sides of the body - Aids digestion - Increases flexibility of the spin.

Dog Pose

Kneel in "table position," with knees under hips and arms beneath shoulders. Back is straight, head faces forward. Inhale and raise head and tailbone, letting your belly drop toward the floor. Curve your back in a swayback position. Eyes gaze upward. Take care not to overextend the neck or overarch the back.

Meditation: I stretch and move with grace and fluidity. Alternate between dog and the following cat pose several times, inhaling and exhaling deeply.

Cat Pose

Kneel in "table position," with knees under hips and arms beneath shoulders. Back is straight, head faces forward. Exhale and drop head and tailbone. Arch your back, exhaling further. Tighten buttocks and abdominal muscles. Alternate between dog and cat several times, inhaling and exhaling deeply.

Benefits: - Strengthens and relaxes the lower back - Increases suppleness along the spine - Improves circulation - Stretches muscles along the back, neck, and arms. Note: You support a lot of weight in your uterus during pregnancy. Do this every morning and evening. It's a great way to release tension and stress in the lower back.

Hands-to-Wall Pose: Part One

Benefits: This two-part pose tones and strengthens the muscles of the upper chest to better support enlarging breasts. It also strengthens the arms and wrists.

1. Stand erect with arms extended in front of you, palms against a wall. Place the body so you are at arm's length from the wall, leaning at a slight angle.

2. Fingers of both hands point toward each other, touching but not overlapping.

3. Shoulders are relaxed, feet flat on the floor. Buttocks are tucked to prevent lower back from arching. Meditation: I am the essence of strength, health, and happiness.

Hands-to-Wall Pose: Part Two

1. Slowly bend the elbows so that gradually and with control, your upper body moves toward the wall as you slowly exhale.

2. Bring your face as close to the wall as you comfortably can. The body remains straight. Do not bend at the waist or knees.

3. Hold for a few moments, breathing normally.

4. Inhale and slowly push away from the wall until your arms are straight and your body is erect. Lower your arms. Relax and breathe normally. Repeat 2 to 3 times.

Easy Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

1. Lie on your back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor and close to your buttocks.

2. Arms are by your sides.

3. Start by pressing your lower back into the floor so that the tailbone lifts up and away from the floor. Gradually lift the lower back from the floor, one vertebra at a time, until you are resting on your middle or upper back. Buttocks should be lifted a few inches from the floor. Weight should not be on your shoulders and neck.

4. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds and begin to slowly lower the back from the upper portion one vertebra at a time. Visualize the spine unrolling. Relax with the legs outstretched or hug the knees gently to the body. Repeat once more. Meditation: I see my body growing stronger and more beautiful each day.

Benefits: - Increases flexibility in the back and shoulders - Stretches and releases tension in the neck - Strengthens leg muscles

*As long as comfort allows, women in the second trimester may also do this pose.
Note: When getting up from a back-lying position, turn to your left or right side first and gradually work up to a sitting or kneeling position. This avoids any straining or dizziness.

Easy Pose Meditation (Sukhasana)

Sit in any comfortable position (see Healthy Sitting).
1. Arms are by your sides or folded in lap, shoulders down and away from ears. Close your eyes, breathe deeply.

2. Inhale and exhale deeply as you repeat: Meditation: I become aware of the muscles that support me as I sit.

3. Exhale and scan your body, acknowledging those muscles and the good work they do.

4. Inhale and repeat silently: Meditation: I release all the parts of my body that I do not need to use now.

5. Exhale, allowing those muscles to relax completely. Breathe deeply several times as you continue to relax and let go. Benefits: - Relaxes the muscles - Brings you back to the present moment - Slows the mind - Reduces blood pressure and heart rate - Calms the entire being, promoting peace and serenity

*An important part of birth preparation and labor is learning how to relax muscles not being used.
i have never known of this prenatal yoga, thanks to Ms. Plinky Recto, i have given the time then to watch her in one of her appearance in television, she is i think if not mistaken was already 8 months pregnant..and still stretching her yoga way.. for all the mothers to be, here are some useful exercises for you and your baby.. what i have notice she is pregnant but her curves is still visible and attaractive.. i will do this as soon as i got pregnant..

What is Pilates?

What is Pilates? It is an innovative system of mind-body exercise evolved from the principles of Joseph Pilates.

Pilates dramatically transforms the way your body looks, feels and performs. It builds strength without excess bulk, creating a sleek, toned body with slender thighs and a flat abdomen.

It teaches body awareness, good posture and easy, graceful movement. Pilates improves flexibility, agility and economy of motion. It can even help alleviate back pain.
Professional dancers have known the benefits of Pilates for decades. Top athletes use it for strength, flexibility, and injury prevention. Hollywood celebrities and supermodels use it to maintain beautiful physiques.

A miracle? Not really. Developed from the rehabilitation techniques of Joseph Pilates, Pilates is a safe, sensible exercise system using a floor mat or equipment, that will help you look and feel your very best. No matter what your age or condition, it will work for you.

Pilates gets your mind in tune with your body. By emphasizing proper breathing, correct spinal and pelvic alignment, and complete concentration on smooth, flowing movement, you become acutely aware of how your body feels, where it is in space, and how to control its movement. The quality of movement is valued over quantity of repetitions. Proper breathing is essential, and helps you execute movements with maximum power and efficiency. Last but not least, learning to breathe properly can reduce stress.
Build strength without "bulking up" - gain long, lean muscles and flexibility

Conventional workouts tend to build short, bulky muscles - the type most prone to injury. Pilates elongates and strengthens, improving muscle elasticity and joint mobility. A body with balanced strength and flexibility is less likely to be injured.
Develop a strong core - flat abdominals and a strong back

Building on the principles of Joseph Pilates, Pilates exercises develop a strong "core," or center of the body. The core consists of the deep abdominal muscles along with the muscles closest to the spine. Control of the core is achieved by integrating the trunk, pelvis and shoulder girdle.
Create an evenly conditioned body and prevent sports injuries

In conventional workouts, weak muscles tend to get weaker and strong muscles tend to get stronger. The result is muscular imbalance - a primary cause of injury and chronic back pain. Pilates conditions the whole body, even the ankles and feet. No muscle group is over trained or under trained. Your entire musculature is evenly balanced and conditioned, helping you enjoy daily activities and sports with greater ease and less chance of injury.
Learn efficient patterns of motion

Pilates exercises train several muscle groups at once in smooth, continuous movements. By developing proper technique, you can actually re-train your body to move in safer, more efficient patterns of motion - invaluable for injury recovery, sports performance, good posture and optimal health.
Be confident and safe

No other exercise system is so gentle to your body while giving it a challenging workout. Many of the exercises are performed in reclining or sitting positions, and most are low impact and partially weight bearing. Pilates is so safe, it is used in physical therapy facilities to rehabilitate injuries.

Pilates is also an extremely flexible exercise system. Modifications to the exercises allow for a range of difficulty ranging from beginning to advanced. Get the workout that best suits you now, and increase the intensity as your body conditioning improves.

it is very much true that pilates is extremely flexible exercise system, because i am not just a yoga lover and a pilates lover too, true enough after months of doing pilates in only 5-10 mins a day, my muscles are toned and my back pain relieves.

What is Bikram Yoga? What is Hot Yoga?

What is Hot Yoga?

Hot Yoga is a series of yoga poses done in a heated room. The room is usually maintained at a temperature of 95-100 degrees. As you can imagine, a vigorous yoga session at this temperature promotes profuse sweating which rids the body of toxins. It also makes the body very warm, and therefore more flexible.

What is Bikram Yoga?

Living yoga master Bikram Choudhury is a Hot Yoga innovator. His method of Hot Yoga is a set series of 26 yoga poses, including two pranayama exercises, each of which is performed twice in a single 90 minute class. Choudhury, who was born in Calcutta, India in 1946, founded the Yoga College of India in Beverly Hills in 1974. He and his wife Rajashree were both yoga champions in India. Recently, Choudhury was involved in a lawsuit over his attempt to copyright his series of 26 poses done in a hot room. At the heart of the controversy is Choudhury's desire to prevent anyone teaching yoga in a heated room from calling their class "Bikram Yoga." He would like to reserve this title only for those teachers who are certified by his Yoga College of India and who stick to his prescribed method exactly (including not only the temperature of the room and order of poses, but also the carpet and mirrors in the room, and his approved text). The lawsuit was resolved with an out-of-court settlement in which Choudhury agreed not to sue the members of a San Francisco-based collective of Hot Yoga teachers and they agreed not to use the Bikram name. Bikram remains a very controversial figure in the yoga world.

Hot Yoga Tips and Cautions

It is essential to have your own yoga mat and towel when doing Hot Yoga since you will be sweating so much. Students tend to wear very little clothing for the same reason.

Make sure to drink plenty of water before and after class so you don't get dehydrated. It is not advisable to eat during the two hours before class.

If you want to try Bikram's method, make sure the Hot Yoga studio you choose has been certified to teach Bikram Yoga.

Hot Yoga is not advised for pregnant women, since it can raise the core body temperature.

i am preparing myself for this hot yoga, and need energized myself a bit and get used with this new hot yoga and bikram yoga too

Yoga Positions

Respect your body's limitations and inner wisdom, if something feels wrong or dangerous, please do not do it.
Please consult your health care practitioner before starting a yoga, pranayama or other exercise program.